dimarts, 9 de juliol del 2013

Emerging countries sending to Catalonia more tourists than ever

Check on this week's "L'Econòmic" for this season's touristic prospects for Catalonia. The most salient statement is that Catalonia will receive some 15,7 million tourists, more than ever before, and some 20% of these are from countries 'far away' (BTW who determines what's near and what's far away?). Of course tourists coming from 'far away' stay longer and spend more, and that's why they're much sought after.

Read the whole story here

dilluns, 8 de juliol del 2013

'The Internship' - 'Los becarios'

I was about to write about some serious stuff but today it's time for a break: I went to the cinema and saw "The Intership" (Span. "Los Becarios). A funny movie, good to take some stress off you. Nice and naive ciriticisms to Google (and similar tech companies), a real "pièce-bien-faite' where everything ends ok, mainly de American dream of "keeping on dreaming". A must if you look for some 90 mins of relaxing entertainment

The English trail of the film can be seen here

And yes, tomorrow more serious stuff...

diumenge, 7 de juliol del 2013

Turisme... el mateix de sempre ??

no sé si en turisme progressem com hauríem de fer-ho. El Diari de Girona publica aquesta setmana una notícia que sona com una cançoneta enfadosa: les reserves es faran a darrera hora... si continuem endarrerint tant les reserves arribarà un dia que el turista haurà fet abans el check-in que la reserva... hem de posar una fi a tanta bogeria de last minute altrament les empreses no es poden organitzar mínimament...  En la mateixa edició del DdG surt  però una altra excel.lent notícia relacionada amb el turisme: Girona crearà rutes turístiques accessibles per a persones amb dificultats de mobilitat. Châpeau!

El link que "tot segueix igual" és aquest i el link de turisme accessible és aquest