We've had a mad summer in Catalonia, with much more rain than usual - or expected. This has half-ruined the season, obviously, as our tourism is fueled -or at least a good part of it- by the sunshine. The seasons's results are downward, as stated by the hospitality industry. Back home, my dad has repeatedly complained about this very humid season in the middle of summer, feeling sympathy for the "poor people in the hospitality industry" and fearing no tomatoes or artichokes would get enough sun to grow.
Far away from Catalonia, in my new homeland Colombia, we've been on the other side of the scale suffering a huge draught wich has had enormous consequences for our agriculture and our environment. This as a result of this year's El Niño. Not that much for our tourism, as for tourists there's always been enough water -- no one has raised complaints about this flagrant inequality, but this can't be excluded in the next dry season.
And, from one day to the next, we are confrnted here with torrential rains causing floods. We've had some heavy rains in the last two weeks here in Barranquilla resulting in flooded streets, our well-known "arroyos". See some of this "action" here.
Climate is changing for real, so we better be ready for that. Only by adaptation to and mitigation of these phenomena our tourism -and ourselves as well- will survive.